I love analogies and when I think about wellness, I think about how we are so much like our smartphones. We’re pulled in many different directions each day with all of our apps running at once. We have work, family, friendships, volunteering, and the list goes on. But just like our devices, if we don’t refresh we are bound to do what? Crash! Let me share with you a few ways to renew and refresh yourself to keep those browsers running like they’re supposed to.

1) Let it go! If something or someone is not working anymore, let it go. It may take some time to do it and that’s ok, but be persistent.

2) Give up your story. We all have our favorite story…you know, the one we keep playing over and over in our head. Usually the theme is some kind of injustice perpetrated against us. Being without our story can be scary since it has defined us for so long but giving it up will instantly leave you feeling lighter and feeling better.

3) Give your body a good workout. One of the quickest ways to clear the mind’s cobwebs is to work your body until you sweat. As your heart rate increases and your blood circulates freely, toxins are released.

4) Breathe! Deep breathing is one of the most overlooked and under use tools we have. It can be used to impact physical illness and reduce psychological blocks. And last but not least,
5) Detox your mind. Yes, your mind needs a regularly scheduled detox too! Eliminate gossiping, blaming, click bait articles on social media, and discussions of fearful theories.

We devote far too much time and space to these draining mental activities. Once you’ve cut them out, you will instantly feel renewed and invigorated. Recharge and refresh your way to wellness.