It’s a new year and everyone is talking about the best path to a fresh start. While there’s absolutely nothing wrong with a New Year’s resolution, I have to agree with Psychology Today’s notion that perhaps setting a theme for the new year should be the first step to long-lasting change where Dr. Marcia Reynolds shares similar ideas. You can use your annual theme as a guiding light just in case you get lost along the way. Often, if a solid routine is not established, we lose focus in less than four weeks from the original goal. Instead of giving up, review your theme throughout the year. Use it to make decisions, set boundaries, and return to your purposeful and satisfying path. Here are a few suggestions and questions to ask yourself when building your theme:

Step 1 Learn from the past. Ask yourself:

Step 2 Clearly see the present

Step 3 Declare what lights you up

Now, declare your theme for the rest of the year. You might choose a word, a phrase, or even a state of mind. After following the steps, I decided that my theme is Be the Vessel. What will your theme be?